

\(\frac{dq}{dt} = R(q)\)

with q the conservative state and R the residual of Navier-Stokes equations.

Numerical scheme

Convective scheme

The convective scheme implemented is the FE-MUSCL scheme, called DNC in the program files. This high-order scheme is available at order 3 (5 points stencil), 5 (7 points stencil), 7 (9 points stencil) and 9 (11 points stencil). Different versions of the scheme exist:

  • flux_num_dnc3_nowall_2d() calls FE-MUSCL at order 3. It is the baseline scheme for cartesian equations.

  • flux_num_dnc3_nowall_polar_2d() is the baseline scheme for axisymmetric equations.

  • flux_num_dnc3_2d() is the scheme for cartesian equations with an adiabatic wall boundary at j=0 along all i-direction (flat plate case for instance). This scheme includes off-centered computation of gradients in order not to pick values far inside the wall. Results are very similar to those obtained with flux_num_dnc3_nowall_2d().

  • flux_num_dnc3_polar_2d() is the same as above for axisymmetric equations.

Viscous scheme

The viscous scheme is a compact scheme at order 4 (5 point stencil) inside the domain and at order 2 (3 point stencil) near the wall boundary at j=0 if there is one.

Boundary conditions

  • bc_general_2d(): Dirichlet BC (supersonic inflow BC). Possibility to prescribe different values towards the depth of the ghost cells (varying profile in the BC). Prescribed profile given with variable field. Input variables are (w, loc, interf, field, im, jm).

  • bc_no_reflexion_2d(): Non-reflective BC. It prescribes a target value at the face center (same value within the depth of the ghost cells) computed from the characteristics through the state inside the domain and a prescribed state given with variable wbd. Input variables are (w, wbd, loc, interf, nx, ny, gam, gh, im, jm).

  • bc_supandsubinlet_2d(): Mix of subsonic and supersonic inflow. If M<1, use a non-reflective BC (bc_no_reflexion_2d()) otherwise Dirichlet BC (bc_general_2d()). Input variables are (w, loc, interf, field, nx, ny, gam, gh, im, jm).

  • bc_extrapolate_o2_2d(): Extrapolation BC at order 2 (supersonic outflow BC). Available at order 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 9. Input variables are (w, loc, interf, im, jm, gh).

  • bc_symmetry_2d(): Symmetry BC. Input variables are (w, loc, interf, nx, ny, gh, im, jm).

  • bc_antisymmetry_2d(): Anti-symmetry BC. Input variables are (w, loc, interf, nx, ny, gh, im, jm).

  • jn_match_2d(): Join BC for periodic mesh (as the O-mesh of a cylinder for instance) or multi-block management. Copy the values given by the input wd into wr. Input variables are (wr, prr, gh1r, gh2r, gh3r, gh4r, imr, jmr, wd, prd, gh1d, gh2d, gh3d, gh4d, imd, jmd, tr).

  • bc_wall_viscous_adia_2d(): Adiabatic viscous wall BC. Dirichlet BC for velocities \(u = v = 0\), Neumann BC for pressure with the assumption \(\frac{dp}{dn} = 0\). Input variables are (w, loc, gam, interf, gh, im, jm).

  • bc_wall_viscous_iso_2d(): Constant isotherm viscous wall BC. Dirichlet BC for velocities \(u = v = 0\), Neumann BC for pressure with the assumption \(\frac{dp}{dn} = 0\). Prescribed constant wall temperature with variable twall. Input variables are (w, twall, loc, gam, rgaz, interf, gh, im, jm).

  • bc_wall_viscous_iso_profile_2d(): Variable isotherm viscous wall BC. Dirichlet BC for velocities \(u = v = 0\), Neumann BC for pressure with the assumption \(\frac{dp}{dn} = 0\). Prescribed wall temperature profile with variable twallprof. Input variables are (w, twallprof, loc, gam, rgaz, interf, gh, im, jm).

  • bc_wall_blow_profile_2d(): Adiabatic viscous wall BC with non-zero velocity in y-direction (equal to the wall-normal direction only if the wall is horizontal). Dirichlet BC for velocities \(u = 0\), \(v = velprof\), Neumann BC for pressure with the assumption \(\frac{dp}{dn} = 0\). Prescribed wall velocity profile in y-direction with variable velprof. Input variables are (w, velprof, loc, gam, rgaz, interf, gh, im, jm).

Inputs for the linearised boundary conditions are different: Inputs for the linearised boundary conditions.

Linearised operators - Jacobian

Exact linearisation of the residual is computed by the Algorithmic Differentiation tool. Then, the Jacobian is computed by series of test-vectors to fill in the different entries of the Jacobian without overlapping cross contributions. Test-vectors and indexing of matrix-vector products functions are inside ComputeJacobian.f90.


Opposite of the Jacobian is computed from the residual: \(A = - \frac{dR}{dq} \Rightarrow \frac{dq'}{dt} + Aq' = 0\)

Time solvers

Three (pseudo-)time solvers are available:

  • direct: low-storage Runge-Kutta.

  • implicit: matrix-free implicit solver (similar to LU-SGS on approximated Jacobian).

  • fixed_point: Newton solver.