

  • Python: main programs and user-interface.

  • FORTRAN: sub-routines for computational efficiency.

Linear systems are solved through PETSc/SLEPc libraries.


Users need to be familiar with Python, developers may need to have a basic knowledge of FORTRAN.


To use BROADCAST, the following Python packages are required:

  • numpy

  • scipy

  • matplotlib

  • psutil

  • mpi4py

  • petsc4py (installed in complex)

  • slepc4py (installed in complex)


Developers which update the FORTRAN sources of BROADCAST need the Algorithmic Differentation tool TAPENADE. The tapenade web server can be used to linearise FORTRAN routines without requiring to install TAPENADE.

An example of installation of the required packages is shown below through anaconda:

$ module load anaconda
$ anaconda-setup
$ conda create -n ENV_NAME
$ source activate ENV_NAME
(ENV_NAME) $ conda install numpy scipy matplotlib psutil mpi4py petsc=*=*complex* petsc4py slepc=*=*complex* slepc4py

Once the packages installed, to install BROADCAST, run the following compile command in the three folders ./, ./misc/ and ./srcfv/:

(ENV_NAME) [.]$ python
(ENV_NAME) [./misc]$ python
(ENV_NAME) [./srcfv]$ ./


organisation of the code
organisation of the code

Program files

List of the programs and their description available: Program files.

Update and linearisation of FORTRAN source routines

Routines stored in tangent are linearised from the folder prepro. Routines in prepro are generated from sub-routines in phys, borders, lhs and rhs.


Never update a routine inside prepro or tangent. Always modify the sub-routines in the associated folders.

Any modification of a numerical scheme or a boundary condition (anything inside phys, borders, lhs and rhs) must be propagated to the preprocessed file prepro and the linearised files (at least tangent for the Jacobian and optionnaly adjoint, tangenttangentHess,… if you also use adjoint, Hessian…).

For example, if the function bc_no_reflexion_2d() inside borders has been updated. Run to update the function in prepro and compile it.

$ python

Then, to linearise a routine, run the associated program (tap* files linearise through TAPENADE software the associated routines), the linearised function bc_no_reflexion_2d_d() is then produced from the function bc_no_reflexion_2d() inside prepro and stored in tangent. Finally, compile again the associated source.

$ python
$ python


Input are numpy arrays and scalars. Output of BROADCAST main code is .npz file where all required variables are stored as numpy arrays inside a dictionnary. Other output format (CGNS for instance) must be implemented by the user.

List of variables

List of the common variables and their meaning: Variables